Pictish Timeline

54 BC Julius Caesar (c. 102 - 44 BC) lands in Britain but withdraws.

AD 41 Claudius invades; Britain becomes part of the Roman Empire.

AD 61 Boadicia (First Century Queen of the Iceni) rebels against Romans and burns their towns, including St. Albans and Colchester, but is defeated.

AD 70 Romans conquer Wales and the North.

AD 78-84 Agricola advances into Scotland, then retreats.

AD 120 Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the border with Scotland.

AD 140-143 Romans occupy southern Scotland and build Antonine Wall to mark the frontier.

AD 206 Tribes from northern Scotland attack Hadrian's Wall.

AD 209 Septimius Severus arrives from Rome with reinforcements.

AD 254 St. Alban is beheaded and becomes Britain's first Christian martyr.

AD 306 Roman troops in York declare Constantine emperor.

AD 350-369 Border raids by Picts and Scots.

AD 410 Romans withdraw from Britain.

AD 440-450 Invasions of Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

AD 450 Saxons first settle in Kent.

c. 470-495 Saxons and Angles settle in Essex, Sussex and East Anglia.

c. 556 Saxons move across Britain and set up seven kingdoms.

AD 563 St. Columba lands on Iona.

AD 597 St. Augustine ascent by Rome to convert English to Christianity.

AD 617-685 Supremacy of Northumbrian kingdom.

AD 635 St. Aidan establishes a monastery on Lindisfarne.

AD 730-821 Supremacy of Mercia, whose king Offa (d. 796) builds a dike along the Mercia-Wales border.

AD 793 Lindisfarne sacked by Viking invader, first Viking raid on Scotland about a year later.

AD 802-839 After the death of Cenwulf (821), Wessex gains control over most of England.

AD 843 Kenneth McAlpin becomes king of all Scotland.

AD 867 Northumbria falls to the Vikings.

AD 878 King Alfred defeats Vikings but allows them to settle in eastern England.

AD 926 Eastern England, the Danelaw, is reconquered by the Saxons.

AD 1016 Danish King Canute seizes English crown.

AD 1042 The Anglo-Saxon Edward the Confessor becomes king (d.1066).

AD 1066 William of Normandy claims the throne and defeats Harold at the Battle of Hastings. He is crowned at Westminster.

Source: "The History of Great Britain" from Great Britain Dorling Kindersley, Inc., London

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